subota, 28. ožujka 2009.

(Click the picture to zoom in... Post a comment!)

Isn't this annoying? Everytime you delete your club you have to wait-7- days to create a new one (14 if you are non-superstar!!). I realy think that this was a reaaaly stupid idea from stardoll! I mean...why? I hate it sooo much... Same stuff is when you upload club-logo (big)! I uploaded a big club-logo for my club (PROUD.2.B.TEEN) and I waited 1 month, because stardoll is realy becomed rude!! I waited 1 month, and then they whrited me in a private message "Sorry, bouth of your pictures were rejected." Go f*ck yourself, go to hell, you know!! That was sooo mean of them... I uploaded another small and another bog club-logo and again, they were rejected!! WTF??!! By the stardoll 'rules' you mustn't upload a picture witch shows some person, 'moving picture', or a picture witch shows violent or somethin' like that! And I didn't break ANY of these rules, but nooo...stardoll must be cruel, I am so f*cking irritaded by this stuffs... I uploaded ANOOOOTHER pictures and I'm stiiiiiiiiill waiting! I am waiting over 1 month, not fer!

Newest VOILE now available*

New VOILE give-away free dress is now - available! Do you like it/ love it/ hate it/ or whatever? Make a superstar purchase or just buy some stardollars and vOIla! You will get...the newest designer dress, never sold in shops (on stardoll)! Are you gonna make a purchase? I'm gonna, 'couse I adoooore blue colour,! I like this dress, but VOILE's were better before,,, They were much more prettier and *uniqe*! M . I . H . A . E . L . A

Antidote vs. LE

Sooo witch one do you like the best? In my opinion 'antidote' is better, 'couse of the prices, theeeey are realllly lower than the LE's.

For 150 stardollars you could buy (in antidote)::

1) One t-shirt
2) shoes
3) furniture
4) jeans

For 150 stardollars you could buy (in LE, in the older collection)::

1) One dress?

L(imited) E(dishion) get reaaal!

LE=More money-More profit for Stardoll ,
Antidote=Less money-Less profit for Stardoll ,
Antidote is better and LE is (doesn't metter) =P

M . I . H . A . E . L . A

VOILE gift-dress identifid!

I was a lill' googling and then I found a picture of the newest (there is one newer =P) VOILE gift-dress. VOILE gift-dress is now - IDENTIFIED! It is copied from an old movie or somethin'! I prefer the real version, not the stardoll... There were a lot of complainings on it. Some people sayed that its for 'old' people... I find it elegant, glamour If you wear it with the right accesorizes. I just don't like that loooooong skirt... Imagine if it was shorter,,,a-ya-yay!,, It would look sexy in some way... If you wear black glasses witch are in splendid you'dd look like a profesor or somethin' like that! <----- Don't try that option, Loool... Love ya like a * Kiss, Mihael@

Hotbuys spring ´o9.

You were looking at (some) copies that stardoll did! Do you like real or stardoll version more? What do you don't like? There is a new dress-up doll on stardoll (only for superstars). It's callled "Hot Buys Spring 09". The best thing in it (in my opinion) is the blue bag! I just adooore blue colour, 'n' that bag! Love's so realistic! It's the best stuff but I will neveer wear it in ´real´ life, I don't like to wear bags =/ What is your best stuff in it? Do you like the collection? What do you don't like? Say your opinion in comments! I pretty-much like everything, but there are soO many dresses and that makes me think,,, daaamn, how much is this collection gonna cost?! I'm sure that the clothes will be just lovely, but...TOO EXPENSIVE! We whrite about "prices going wild" in other posts, so read them ;) Collection is kinda ´chic´ and cOlOrFuL <---- and I like that =) It is in some part even elegant? I just don't like the black jacket /the fallen angel type/ 'couse it just, kinda, don't fit in in the whole collection! It's black and ugleeey, punk-rock style... I donno! Mihaela

Free koala on!

(Click the picture to zoom in. Follow the steps. For any
problems contact whit me on my stardoll suite or in this
blog, Hope you like it, Isn't koala soooooooooO cute?

If u like, the littlest pet shop, you can get a free koala. Name of the site is: and in the white line type in again Then in left corner there are two white lines so there type in your nickname and password. Then click ´my page´ and there will be a small koala next to window. Then get out of the proxyeye site, and go to your suite on REAL stardoll. WARNING: If u want to take the koala do NOT log out while doing that!Also there are free earth hour stuff in starplaza... There are shirts for boys and girls and also a bag. HURRY AND ENJOY ! Don't trust meh? Check out my suite.

petak, 27. ožujka 2009.

SEPHORA is gone?!

No way! What do YOU think about it? When I saw that sephora producks won't be in d shop I was like "woow"... No reason to do it! If there won't be sephora it better be some a hell of a good replacement! Hurreeeey and buy everything =P Mihaela